With the best in tech, fashion, home decor, beauty, health, and a whole lot more on offer from Amazon Pay merchants, that means your wish list just got a lot more realistic.

Monthly Invoice is a convenient and secure payment method, giving you control of your cash flow, privacy, and banking information.
Can I use Monthly Invoice with Amazon Pay?
Monthly Invoice is available to eligible Amazon Pay customers with a valid billing address in Germany, Austria, or Finland.
Customers can use Monthly Invoice as a payment method on select third-party merchant websites selling physical goods and accepting Amazon Pay, as determined by Amazon.
How do I add Monthly Invoice as a payment method when using Amazon Pay?
You can add Monthly Invoice as a payment option either by visiting Payment Options in Your Account or by selecting Monthly Invoice as a payment method during checkout.
Am I eligible to use Monthly Invoice?
Eligibility for Monthly Invoice is evaluated on a per-order basis and is subject to a satisfactory credit check and fraud screening. If we can’t validate your personal information, if you have a past-due balance for an invoice, or if we’ve determined that you’re not eligible for Monthly Invoice, it won’t be offered during checkout.
How do I pay my invoice?
At the beginning of each month, you will receive an email notification or text message that your monthly invoice has closed. Payment will then be due within 14 calendar days via a bank transfer or by SEPA Direct Debit in your local currency. The exact details will be specified on your invoice.
Can I pay for an item before the due date?
If you want, you can pay for a purchase or partially pay your invoice at any time before your monthly invoice is due. Any paid amount will be deducted from the amount outstanding on your current invoice. Then, pay the remaining balance as specified in your invoice. If the monthly statement was rejected after you placed your order, we will send you a notification by e-mail to change the payment method of your order.
Where can I check my monthly invoice?
At any time, you can visit the My Invoices page to see all your monthly invoices, orders added to the invoice, payment status (open, overdue, partially paid, or paid), payment due date, payment instructions, and invoice amount.
Have more questions?
For more information, contact us.